Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Turkey Day!!

In light of thanksgiving I wanted to make a list of the TOP 10 things I am thankful for:

1.) The Big Guy, he has always been there for me, and well he died for me.
2.) Family even though there are time they drive me crazy, I luv them lots.
3.) All my friends I think you know who you all are. Thanks for all the help and laughter!
4.) Riverview and all the people there, you guys are all amazing.
5.) All the family's that I have watched over the years not only have I just watched their kids but they have all made me feel loved and supported. I feel like a part of their family's.

(ok so now the fun crazy things I luv)

6.) Old t-shirts they are always so soft.
7.) Black and white pictures.
8.) Good books to read.
9.) Wireless Internet
10.) Last but not least I am so very thankful for everyone who is reading this list.

(Thanks Shelton and Jo for the idea!!!!)

1 comment:

devon said...


Yes, I will be at small group on Sunday!!

At Ashley's??

Talk to you soon!!

Happy Turkey Day!!