Friday, November 26, 2004


Today was crazy, I was hoping to go and get some x-mas shopping done for some family, well I got some of that done. I was able to get a big plate/platter painted for my grandma, I hope that she likes it, I am sure she will but I don't know. Then we went to the mall I have no idea why we went there. I knew that the mall was going to be crazy but I had no idea that it would be that bad. I wanted to tear my head off, literally. I walked into New York and Company, to look for a black shirt for a picture that we are getting taken and as soon as I stepped into the store I turned around and walked out, it was way to crazy!!!!!! The we walked up to Hollister with my cousin's and well that was crazy too, I walked in and that walked out. I am done with shopping!!!! Even though I do not have any of it done I am boycotting!! OK well I am not done shopping but I am not going today or tomorrow, I need a break!!!

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