Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Even more snow

ok I am going to apologize now for everything that I am about to complain about......

1. Snow I love it but there are some very annoying things that come along with it cold weather. I love a lot of things that come with cold weather like, hockey, hot coco, Christmas lights, snowmen and sledding but that cold nasty slushy snow I could do with out. The light cute powdery snow is fine but the slush is nasty.

2. Drivers, ok driving in the snow is like riding a bike when you first learn you will never forget how no matter how old you get, well I think that a lot of people need to be reminded how to drive in the snow. YOU CANNOT GO SLOWER THAN 28 MPH ON THE HIGHWAY. It is more dangerous than if you were to go faster. People seem to forget how to drive when that first snow hits for the winter. People are driving like they are from Hawaii or something and they have never seen snow. I can understand why someone from Hawaii would have a hard time driving, just like a first time bike rider is going to have a hard time but they will learn. But a 10 year old bike rider who is like a 45 year old Michigan driver they should know how to drive.

I am sorry for all the complaint's I just to get all of that out. Have a great Snowy Day!!!!

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