Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I love rain! :) Except when it causes water to come into by basement. Then I really don't like it that much at all. We have a plumber coming tomorrow so hopefully everything will work out. I had a great day today, I was able to hang out with the Potters, and then my cousin Shelby. But the best part of the day was hanging out with Cole. I have missed spending time with her so it was great to hang out hopefully we can make Wednesday nights and Cole and Kirsten night.

My Grandma is having her surgery tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 5:00am. I said earlier that I wasn't nervous but well now I am. I guess today I was just thinking about her not being around and I started to cry. She is the rock of our family the one that holds the rest of us together. When ever there is a fight with family members, she gets the peace back. We also all talk to her about everything. I don't think that there is anything that she doesn't know about me. So please pray that everything goes great.

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