Monday, October 24, 2005


Well I Am still waiting for my new job to start, I know that I got the job which is great but I am hopping that the job starts soon really soon. It is hard when you are used to a certain amount of money coming in and then it stops. So in the mean time I think that I will spend my extra time with God, fixing up my duplex, working out with Richelle and random other stuff. So if you are bored feel free to call me so that we can hang out. I only have a little while before the new job starts and I will be back to my busy schedule.

Well on a different note my Grandma is doing great, she is recovering from her surgery really well. She still gets really moody and goes from mad to really sad in a split second. Hopefully today I can go over there and have lunch with her. Soon I hope that she will be back to her normal feisty self. I really miss that side of her, even though there were timer where it would get a little annoying it was still great to know that she still had it in her.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Colorado was awesome!!!!

Colorado was awesome!!!! Now I want to go there this summer for at least a week and a half, I just don’t think that you can see all there is to see in a week. Not only do I want to go to Colorado but I want to go to Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. I want to go back to all the places that I remember from when I was a kid. Mountains and amazing when we first crossed over the border into Colorado all I wanted to see was the mountains it seemed like it took for ever for them to come across in the horizon, but as soon as we went around a huge curve there they were, at the point they only looked like little hills but the closer we got the bigger they became. It just amazes me!! We were listening to a song by Chris Tomlin, and well it brought tears to my eyes, just knowing that God put all that into place is breathtaking. I know that there are many times where I take things for granted, from the changing colors of the trees, to the stars in the sky. Seeing the mountains just reminded me off all the things that God has created. So I thought that I would post the words to that song by Chris Tomlin that reminded me of God’s creation, along with some of the pictures from Colorado.

"You do all things well"
By: Chris Tomlin
Mountain Maker
Ocean tamer
Glimpses of You
Burn in my eyes
The Worship of Heaven
Fills up the skies
You made it all
Said, "Let there be"
And there was
All that we see
The sound of Your voice
The works of Your hands
You do all things well
You do all things well
You do all things well
Star creator
Wind breather
The strokes of your beauty
Brushed through the clouds
Light from the heavens
Touching the ground
Imagination runs wild
And breaths the breath of life
Across the fields
Across the miles


Go here to see my photo album

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Fun and Crazy

I have been doing really well this week, everyday I have gone for at least a 2 mile walk, and I am planning on being able to run it by Christmas. The part I hate the most about running is running when it is really hot outside (besides the fact that I really don’t like to run). So I thought that if I started running when it is colder outside then by the time the really warm summer weather gets here again I will actually like running. Also I have wanted to start going to Fitness USA again. I really didn’t like going by myself, and now I have someone to go to Fitness USA with me. My friend Richelle wants to start going with me so that will be a lot of fun. It is so much easier to work out when there is someone to do it with. So now we will be able to go there together and it will be a lot harder to make up an excuse on why I “can’t” go.

So I am leaving for Colorado tomorrow (Thursday). I am SO EXCITED! It has been such a long time since I have been out west, and the best part about it is that I get to go with Hillary. She Absolutely LOVES Colorado, and when I say she LOVES it I truly mean it. I have never heard her say anything negative about it that has to be true love. She is planning on moving out there when she graduates, now I will have even more of an excuse to go out there because she will be there. We are driving there, that will be half the fun, a lot of fun and crazy events of your life take place on Road Trips like getting attacked by a million of mosquitoes while trying to fill your gas tank up, or having to be the one who is driving the car over a bride when usually you like to put your head under a blanket and have some one tell you when you are safely across. We are going out there for a wedding Hillary cousin is getting married, her Aunt and Uncle we nice enough to let us stay with them at there house two of the nights that we are there. That will save us some money so that’s always good. We are not going to have that much free time to really do a lot of exploring, but we are hoping to go to a Hot Springs and go on at least on hiking trail. Well I need to go out for my daily walk. I'll post some pictures when I get back, and let you know all the crazy happenings in the 24 hour drive there and back!! :)

Sunday, October 02, 2005

It makes me cry!! :(

There were two things yesterday that made me cry.

1. Talking to my Grandma on the phone, I was just happy to hear her talk, even though I knew that everything had gone great with her surgery it just didn't seem real until I talked to her.

2. The football game. I was raised to love MSU and along with that came the true hatred of UofM. It doesn't really matter at all to me who they are playing I want the to lose, that's how deep the hatred runs. So needless to say I was devastated when my Spartan's lost the game.